"Hobbit, look at this elf hat we got you. Isn' it cool?" says Scott with as much sincerity as he can muster.
"Elf hat? What's an elf? You want to put it where? No, this is defintely not cool." cries Hobbit; astonished that we have stooped this low.
"Get it off of me, quick before someone sees me with it on!"

"Okay, okay, calm down. I'll take you for a piggy back ride
to make up for it," coos Scott.
"I'm calm. I'm cool. I wasn't rattled. A piggy back ride you say?" Hobbit asks.
"Is this all there is to this ride? It's sorta lame, don't ya think?"
"Well, I can raise up a little. How's this?" asks Scott.
"Ho hum. Bor-r-i-i-n-g," says Hobbit with a yawn.
"Fine. How about now? You're almost as tall as the angel, although referring to you and an angel in the same breath is laughable." mutters Scott.
"Y-you-you can pu-u-t me down now. You're probably getting tired." sputtered Hobbit, trying to hide his shivers.
"Y-you-you can pu-u-t me down now. You're probably getting tired." sputtered Hobbit, trying to hide his shivers.

"Now, let's settle down for a good old fashioned Christmas tale" says Scott. "That's good pooches. Ready? 'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house .."
"Yes, Hobbit."
"Is this a long story?"
"No, now be still. Twas the night before Christmas.."
"Ahem, Dad?"
"What is it now, Hobbit?"

"No, it is not. Is that all?"
"Does it have Scrooge in it? I heard he's bad news."
"No, Scrooge is not in it. It's about a jolly old elf." Scott says, with growing exasperation.
"Elf, you say? Is that the same elf that wears the dorky hat?" Hobbit smirks.
"Elf, you say? Is that the same elf that wears the dorky hat?" Hobbit smirks.

"Yeah, yeah, don't have a coronary. I'm listening."
"Good. "Twas the night before Christmas
and all through the house; not a creature was stirring , not even a mouse," continues Scott.
"Mouse? Let me at it! Where is it? I don't see it. Dad, are you yanking my chain?"
Scott sighs.