The pup in the picture staring at you needs a forever loving home… please read her story.
My name is Nancy Latimer, and I volunteer for Hillsborough County Animal Services. She is one of my “Search and Rescue” success stories…meaning that after 9 weeks of tracking this missing pup, her owner was found. My pet project as a volunteer is helping reunite lost owners with their pups. It has become a passion. Usually when reuniting separated dog/human families, it’s a happy ending.
However, in Vezzie's case, happiness still eludes her. Vezzie's owners made a decision to surrender her for reasons that I still don’t understand and probably never will. Their reasons are theirs alone but I believe it had nothing to do with this sweet faced pup.
Vezzie seemed to have someone interested in adopting her but for reasons unknown they apparently changed their mind. They never returned to the shelter after Vezzie became available. Another “missed” happy ending.
This pup refused to leave my mind since the first time I saw her advertised as ‘lost’.
I know she cherishes a soft bedspread to lie on. She will put her nose through the kennel gate so you can pet it.
Her real name is Zveszda, which is Russian for “Star” Her birthday is 4/11/01. That makes her about 7 years old. She gets along with small dogs and large dogs. Cats are not high on her ‘be nice to’ priority list. J Taking long walks is a joy to her, and she LOVES squeaky toys. The louder the better. The ones from the dollar store were her favorites. Eating is easy for Vezzie; she especially loves steamed veggies and sushi. (ugh)
Playing is something she enjoys. “Hide the Shoe” is her favorite game. She will take a shoe,…. hide it on a couch, a bed, or outside..etc. She never chews on them…they are much too valuable to her. And, when she is all worn out from playing with them, she takes them to lie alongside of her when she sleeps.
By the way ….she LOVES kids, and is housebroken.
If you look into the eyes of this pup and see something ‘speaking’ to you through your heart please take action.
Call 612-5388 or 625-2611.
You can also send an email to carrm@hillsboroughcounty.org or disalvot@hillsboroughcounty.org
As a final note, I ask that anyone interested in providing Vezzie with a permanent or foster home, please do not wait.
Sometimes wonderful treasures are found in plain brown packaging
Vezzie’s identification number is A1057052. Please refer to that number when calling for information on her.