You've heard that a picture's worth a thousand words. I love hearing the stories people tell about their lives with dogs, but it takes a bit of time to write. Believe me, I know! So, this is a call for your dog stories in pictures. I'll be the first to do one, in case my readers are shy. Please don't send more than four or five photos. This blog format doesn't allow creative set ups with photos and text and I am not skilled enought to revise the html.

Today, I'll tell the story of Ella because you've seen plenty of Hobbit. (The reason for that is Ella's camera shy and Hobbit's a ham.) When we first got Ella, in April 2006, she was so shut down, she hid in house and yard. As you can see, she was practiced at camouflage. She was about 7 months old in the picture above.

She had no idea what dog toys were, so we had great fun teaching her to play.
She was very proud of her graduation certificate from basic obedience class, even though she spent half the class hiding under our chairs.

Last year in July, we adopted Hobbit. Here, Ella age 22 months, is learning to tolerate her new brother.

Ella will be 3 years old in October. We've discovered she is at her happiest when she is running. She runs for the pure joy of it, all by herself. She is a sweet, gentle creature. Our time with her has taught us so much about the needs of dogs with fear and about dogs who somehow avoided human contact. We are honored to have her in our lives.