This Sunday, November 23, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. there will be a fund raiser for Angel, a young pit bull who was found emaciated and barely alive a couple weeks ago in the Sebring area. Angel is now in the care of
Pit Positive, a Tampa rescue group devoted to helping pitbulls.
The Animal Coalition of Tampa is sponsoring the event and The Village Groomer ( 14442 N. Dale Mabry Hwy., Tampa [813] 961-1599), is hosting. For $10 your dog gets a bath, nails trimmed, ears cleaned and anal glands expressed. Now, that's a deal!
The photos of Angel broke my heart. She's going to need lots of care before her world is right. To read more about Angel's story, see the blog set up by
Pit Bull Gear.