Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Update on Desperate Lab

Some of you may have noticed that yesterday, a post appeared and disappeared. The story of the lab that was scheduled to be euthanized today is a sad one. I was sent the plea to help save this dog early yesterday morning from a reliable source. It was sent to her from a reliable source. Both women volunteer at Hillsborough County Animal Services and both had interactions with this dog. Unfortunately, when the heart is involved, the truth can be hard to find. In this case, the dog was represented in the email I posted, as a friendly, fun loving pal. In fact, the dog was deemed aggressive by people who had the qualifications to know. I apologize for posting a misrepresentation of this dog and his situation. I'll be tightening my screening process after this incident.

What I learned from this is, there are many kind and generous people in our little corner of the world. People who care about animals and reach deep into their hearts to help them. People who will make calls, send emails, open their homes to foster, even travel to Animal Services to investigate this dog's situation. People who stopped what they were doing yesterday to try to save one canine's life. The sad truth is, not every dog can be saved. Rescue groups and shelters are inundated right now. Aggressive dogs are not candidates for adoption and there are very few places that are willing to attempt rehabilitating them.

So, today I mourn the loss of the lab. But I celebrate the knowledge that good people are just an email away.