Tomorrow is "Take Your Dog To Work Day". I'm trying hard to picture my two in an office environment, and what I'm seeing is total disruption. So, they aren't candidates for this event, but maybe your dog is. Created by Petsitter's International ten years ago, the idea is meant to introduce dogless coworkers to the benefits of canine ownership. I imagine this day of dog visitors really livens up most work places, softens some attitudes and brings a smile to many faces. Of course, there will always be those who don't appreciate dog slobber on their freshly printed copies or pethair on their designer clothes. This is fair warning to people with pet allergies and fastidious personalities. Get Ye behind your office door and stay there, because dogs will rule on Friday June 20!
To read more on this subject, check out the article on tbo.com. Petsitters International even has a zany, interactive website about the event at takeyourdogtowork.