Other issues include people who are inexperienced in dog behavior and unable to read signs of potentially dangerous situations, owners who don't supervise their dogs and those who look up in the sky when their pooch leaves a pile on the ground. Scott recently ran into the park person who oversees the Lutz park and she has promised to give him an official pooper scooper, so we can start scooping up the piles that are steadily increasing. There are plenty of waste bags in the dispenser, mind you, so no excuses for owners to not tend to this themselves. These dog parks have added such enjoyment to the lives of our dogs, and by extension to us. Complaints from owners to parks officials can threaten the success of the park. So, take care of the parks you are in and follow those rules they have posted at the entrances. There is a very informative page about dog park etiquette at FloridaPets.Net's library.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Dog Park Etiquette
Other issues include people who are inexperienced in dog behavior and unable to read signs of potentially dangerous situations, owners who don't supervise their dogs and those who look up in the sky when their pooch leaves a pile on the ground. Scott recently ran into the park person who oversees the Lutz park and she has promised to give him an official pooper scooper, so we can start scooping up the piles that are steadily increasing. There are plenty of waste bags in the dispenser, mind you, so no excuses for owners to not tend to this themselves. These dog parks have added such enjoyment to the lives of our dogs, and by extension to us. Complaints from owners to parks officials can threaten the success of the park. So, take care of the parks you are in and follow those rules they have posted at the entrances. There is a very informative page about dog park etiquette at FloridaPets.Net's library.