Sherry Silk, Executive Director for the Humane Society of Tampa Bay will be featured on WMNF radio's Talking Animals show this week, Wednesday Nov. 5 from 11:30 to noon. That's at 88.5 on your FM dial.
November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month sponsored by the ASPCA. For more about this event go to
This week is National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week sponsored by the Humane Society of the United States. Help raise awareness by hosting an event for your local shelters. For more info see
While you're waiting for all those votes to be tallied on election day, here's an entertaining link to check out at Rover 411. They held a contest for McCain and Obama canine look-a-likes. I think the McCain choice was great, but the Obama winner looked more like his suit, than it did like him. Well, maybe the eyebrows work, but Obama only wishes he had eyes as endearing as the boxer's, and the boxer's expression is missing Obama's big smile. Tuesday, the election of the century will be over and I have a feeling some folks are going to need remedial training on how to play nice, when their candidate doesn't get elected. Think Positive Reinforcement when sore losers get grumpy.